Still sad to see this game abandoned still 5 years later and losing $20 cause I wanted to support the creators while they were making this game.. seems they left the internet or something cause all I can find are abandoned accounts or blank sites :/
If you're wondering about how the two finished routes are, they're alright. Art is nice but its not as romance oriented as you'd expect for being called a otome and idk if its really worth the $10 for both
Only two routes were completed, Mikio and Hayato's, without voice acting. They can be bought individually for USD$5 each, for a total of USD$10 -- half the price of this version, and with the exact same amount of content. I haven't played them, so I can't say if they're worth the price. I can say, however, DO NOT BUY THIS VERSION. It just doesn't make sense.
I remember seeing this on Lemmasoft forums and some otome tumblr blogs back in high school and I was so excited and tempted to buy the $10 deal forever ago... This saddens me because I was so excited for this game! It had so much potential... but it’s dead 😞
unless you're interested in hayato and mikio's routes, please pass by this entirely. maybe even then, don't bother - i can't attest to their quality since they weren't the characters i wanted to romance.
the main writer, lore, has completely moved on from this game and no longer even puts it in her portfolio. currently she's writing and programming for other games. the main artist, rins, is the same. the bg artist, akane, has been inactive on twitter since mid 2019 - if they've changed their handle at this point, no one's sure what it is.
none of them have upheld their promise of updating everyone and i assume they just want to sweep this whole experience under the rug. multiple attempts to contact them have ended with no response. i know some people have gotten refunds. personally, i bought this too long ago to get one myself.
there are other great visual novels on that are based in mythology, it's just a matter of finding them. good luck!
if you email itch about it they can look into it and get you a refund! i know several people have been able to do this. i tried but i no longer have the card i used 5 years ago for it so i can't but i know other people have had no problem.
I asked for a refund but unfortunately I am unable to since i bought this way too long for me to get one. Not sure If i can even dispute it. And Even if I do, I also have the same issue of not having the same card I used to but the game...
Thanks for letting us know, I'm so peeved that they had the gall to take our money and leave us hanging with no update. Learned my lesson to never support indie games until the actually release the game.
This happened to me on Purrfectly Ever After too. They were taking too long to develop the game (but luckily didn't abandon the project and are still updating) and I didn't want to support them anymore. But they won't refund me.
I got this too long ago to get a refund too - I contacted about this and they told me it's impossible.
BUT! I'd say the two routes that are out are worth the individual price for each. These were the routes I wanted to play, so while I paid too much, I'm still perfectly satisfied with what I got, if that helps some people.
Thank you for the update. I remember seeing this game years ago and I was so excited for it. It's a shame that after so long the game never got finished :(
I just tweeted Lore to have some sort of info on the game.I will update if I receive an answer. At this point all I want is some clarity of whether this game will ever be finished or not. Almost 2 years of no one reaching out to us, and I'm tired of hoping for anything.
As much as I love this project, I am extremely sad to see it's current state. Especially when the group used to be active and informative. I've been following this project for five years, and I no longer see the finish line. The overflowing excitement that used to burn brightly within me for this VN has smothered out.
Please.... Even if you have to say this project is no longer active, that the group had a fall out, that progress has been slow... give us answers. Every one of us that was excited to see this become a source of joy deserve it.
I think it's safe to say, this is a dead project. I'll give them the benfit of the doubt that they aren't being wholly manlicious. They were gonna finish this game wholeheartedly but real life stuff happened and then it went all to shit. And instead of explaining anything they think they can just wash their hands and move on ignoring the people that paid for this... Which is BS but hey?
I used to be optimistic but...2 years of nothing? I think this game is a dead game.
Well, I surely want my money back now... I purchased the game 2 years ago when it came out thinking they will continue the last few routes but now I strongly doubt. We can't even contact them because their website is not working anymore.
Ahaha, here we are two years after I discovered this game... And what do we have to show for all that waiting? Jack Squat.
If there was some reason, ANY reason given to why they completed two routes and then gave up, It'd be fine, but it honestly just looks like they took the money, sent out a sympathy gift, and ran off. Jeezus.
Damn, that's sketchy as hell. I'm glad I read the comment section before wasting my money on a game that's basically been abandoned by its developers. The fact that they didn't feel the need to give any sort of response as to why they haven't finished or responded to questions about updates for the game, is reason enough not to give them anymore money.
Well this is a blast from the past. I remember thinking that I would buy this game when I got a job. Well, I'm out of school, have a job, and I have my own place.... But, the game hasn't changed.
Don't pay 20$ for a game that isn't even finished. I'm glad I didn't get it yet.
Hey guys, I think they have completely stopped this project. About 3 years ago (2017) I asked for a refund before the routes were released (lack of activity from what I saw) and one of them told me they were considering releasing on a route to route basis for people who already paid.
They did follow through with that, but like everyone else I haven't had an update since 2 of the routes were released. I only paid $10 at the time (I think it was a preorder or a special?) and consider it fulfilled due to the 2 route releases and that they did correspond with me when I contacted them at the time.
For prospective buyers, I wouldn't recommend dropping money on this if you're expecting a full game since it's been 2 years (Feb 2018) since the second route was released. It's not really worth the $20 as currently advertised.
Lol it's been 4 yrs and it's time to say the game has been abandoned. GL to everyone who asked for refunds. I'm surprised the page is still up for sales...
Dont recommend purchasing this game. It looks nice enough but the devs probably bit off more than they could chew since they haven't updated or been responding to messages in over a year. The last game update was over a year and a half ago. I purchased this three years ago and am still waiting. They've abandoned it and took everyone's money too :(
I paid for this game ages ago and they stopped updating completely, seemingly abandoning the project 1 year ago. I don't mind pre-ordering games as it's a way to help out indie game devs, but I've never been cheated like this. Isn't this basically stealing?
I really liked the demo, and I was really excited for Shuye's route, but apparently the creators went MIA... So I won't be purchasing this game any time in the near future.
So I'm sort of confused; Is this game finished yet? Like, this part of the game. Because I would play the game as long as this part was finished, seeing as I already know I want to do Hayato's route. So, if I bought this and played it would I get the full story and then go onto Hayato's route?
the game is not finished. i'm not sure exactly what you mean by "this part" but you can purchase the whole game for $20 which gives you two routes as the devs are MIA and refusing to explain what the situation is in regards to where the rest of the routes are OR you can individually purchase the two routes that are released (hayato and mikio) for $5 a pop.
so no, if you purchase this game you will not get the full story. we have not received an update about the game in well over a year so its up to you if you'd like to spend the money but its looking like this game is abandoned and all we're getting are the two routes.
the fact that it is still incomplete and the developers have seemingly abandoned ship is incredibly disappointing. if they are no longer working on this game, they should at least do the right thing and let us know.
i deeply regret supporting these devs since it seems they cannot even be bothered to communicate with us about potential delays or other issues that come up and impact the release of the rest of the routes.
under no circumstances do i recommend you purchase this game as is. it is likely not going to be finished any time soon (if at all) and your money is better spent elsewhere supporting other indie devs who actually take the time to interact with and keep their supporters/customers updated.
Just messaged Lore on twitter to see if we can possibly get any answers. I tweeted her 84 days ago as of today. No response. Will update if anything happens but I doubt anything will.
UPDATE (3-24-19): Lore has since closed her DM's (or at least to me) after I messaged her. Contact Itchio to get your money back. The devs aren't professional, don't answer questions, and haven't updated in more than a year. This game will probably never be finished.
Knew this game was sketchy the moment it became clear they had barely had made any progress on any routes during the long span of time people have been waiting. Do not get this game until all routes are released! It's just too fishy to buy otherwise.
Just came back here to see if we had some news, and sadly nothing - I guess I'll keep waiting, I don't actually have issues with that nor will I be asking for a refund since I adored the two routes we got.
But that leads me to my second point. I'm so surprised by the comments. Honestly, I didn't expect people to complain about the "lack of romance". I definitely don't agree with that. But the romance here is more subtle than in some other games, and leaves lots to the players' imagination - and I like that. Now, I totally understand some people may play otome games only for kisses and steamy scenes, but I'm not necessarily in for that. After playing litteraly dozens of otome and BL games, I know for sure a good romance game doesn't need to have any explicit kissing or sexual scenes to be perfectly fine and great.
So yeah, it may not be your jam if you NEED kissing, but I think it's a very nice, sweet and touching game if you're fine without it.
What it definitely IS, it's an otome game. It's just not your standard otome, that's it. After playing as many games as I did, you just start to see more and more atypical games that break the codes, and you also start to think of it as refreshing.
If you want great but more conventional indie otome games, I suggest Nusantara: The Legend of the Winged Ones and Cinderella Phenomenon (both are free and a new Nusantara game is in the making too).
All three devs can be found on Twitter, and as of January 2019 they're all alive (no info about the artists' health given). Just skimming through their accounts I can't see any of the three mentioning Spirite Parade anywhere except in their bios.
Akane (@akanekari) has been the least active, but her last activity was on January 21st where she replied to Rins.
Rins (@lettucetown) has been more active than Akane on Twitter, but even then there was a gap between June 2018 and December 2018. Her last Twitter activity was on January 16th 2019.
Lore (@yandere) has been most active on Twitter. A quick scrolling through her timeline shows that she's been frequently tweeting and retweeting about all kind of stuff, ranging from other people's projects to real life stuff.
I can understand that real life can take someone's attention away from the internet and social media, but seeing how the writer has not only been online but also has the time to promote other projects and whatnot, I find it very disappointing and upsetting that she apparently can't be bothered to update people here who have spent real money on their game. They promised monthly updates, but even that promise only lasted three months aka three meager posts before they disappeared again.
Okay It been 3 whole years since I pre-ordered and the full game still isn't released?? This was my first time ever paying for a game and I thought the point of paying for a game was to support the development move a bit faster and smoother? At this point I just want a refund does anyone know who do I contact?
I don't mind the slow update, as I have a life. The 'lack of romance' as some people point out, I don't see an issue. There is romance in certain area's, there are many different endings and outcomes which I appreciate. Also people having an issue with the character... Well I find it refreshing. I may not like the MC but it doesn't make it a bad story. It is a story. I will say to others, just because it doesn't have a kiss scene doesn't mean it is NOT an otome. There are plenty of relations where people will prefer emotional affection over physical. Just because it may not be something you favor does not mean it is abnormal.
The slow update I may 'not' mind, I still don't like. I luckily pre-ordered it early so I only paid $10. But If I have to wait another year for it all I may have to ask for a refund. I understand things can come up in life, but the developers should be transparent, try to inform their fans/followers about what is happening and why things may be slow or even on hiatus. I will say it is not a great game, but it is not terrible either. If they do finish this and create another game perhaps they can take the criticism, and create a better game next.
I asked for a refund from (I got no answer by emailing the devs). They gave it to me without any problem, so if anyone is looking into getting a refund try them
Hello, to any who feel jipped, mislead, or lied to...
This game does have romance elements. Otome is a girlxboy game, and not all otomes have kissing scenes. Now they did originally plan for a full game to be otome based, however, if you aren't careful you won't find yourself on any of their routes. Seriously, you have several endings per each character and you can easily miss the romance for these characters.
There's a big difference between real otome and "game which does have romance elements". Many people wouldn't buy this game if the developers were honest from the beginning.
It is a real otome, there is no real difference other then the fact others only want the kisses and good times, instead of wanting the good, the bad, and the ugly.
"Romance that doesn't end in a kiss" In all the routes and in all the endings? Well, I personally wouldn't call it otome. Otome game without even one kiss in all the routes is equivalent to a relationship where partners never kiss and never touch each other. Maybe this kind of relationship exist but it's abnormal.
I also would like a refund. I preordered this game 2 or 3 years ago and regret doing so. This game is advertised as an otome game and it's just not. There is a romance element but it's not about romance (which is what I bought it for). I really wanted this game to be great and support the developers but I feel cheated. Please give us those who preordered the option for a refund.
This game has had a particularly rough day, so I wanted to throw some positivity at it. I understand the desire for more frequent updates, but I don't mind the super slow-burn romance. I think it's sweet, and I find our cranky MC adorable.
I like this game. The art is beautiful, the story is compelling, the characters grow and change, and they end up as better, more fulfilled people. I can't speak for the entirety of the game, seeing as it's not finished yet, but it looks to be on track to be well worth the price to me.
Keep it up! Patience is a virtue, but perseverance is an art!
I completly agree, I really like this game too and I really don't regret the wait at all. I love the MC and I really loved the relationship developpement between her and Hayato. :) I don't think it's an obligation to have kiss scenes in an otome as long as the story is good and cute, which I find this game just adorable. :D
I bought this game two years ago and the development has been incredibly slow, I only bought this game for Shuye but later on I found out you could buy the parts separately -.- I have also read the comments and dislike the lack of romance, this is an otome game there needs to be romance and a kiss scene would be nice. I would like a refund as well. I might buy Shuye's route alone if I learn that Shuye has some actual romantic moments, but please give me a refund.
Hi how do I get a refund? This game is not what I payed for and I have a feeling that this game will not be finished. Also this story is not worth $20 with no romance at all. I get that character development is important but with no romance I do not get the point of this story. Plus the mc is so self centered not nice at all. I don't get why making a character so unlikable is good for development. Honestly this is not worth $20! I'm pissed that I payed that for a terrible story and a unlikable mc! She learns nothing but to be selfish. In Hayato's story the ending left much to be desired I mean not even a kiss! What the heck I don't get how this is a story without a proper ending? I mean he comes all the way to her world and she's just so ungrateful!
I'm sorry I tried to like this but I feel cheated! I get that their will be patches but for the $$ this is unacceptable! I feel that making a profit is important but 20$ for this I do not think is fair plus, I have no desire to read more. On top of that the only good character doesn't even has his route finished! Anyway I do not want to be mean. I'm just so disappointed in this because in the description it sounds like a really good story but not an Otome at all. Because their is no romance. So please refund me. I also think if I had known this game was like this I would not have purchased this either. It's seriously unfair. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
If you mean by using a walkthrough then sure, It's pretty easy. I guess the difference between me and other otome players, is that I look for the story instead of the romance.
It's pretty easy without using the walkthrough. I think the story is very important but if developers claim that it's an otome game then the romance is as important as the story. Unfortunately, it seems that developers didn't work enough on the romance in this game. That's why many people complain.
I never expected that this game would have many steamy scenes but some kissing scenes wouldn't hurt. In the description it's written that Spirit Parade is an otome game. I personally think that an otome game without kissing scenes is weird. I don't mean that they should happen in all the routes but till now I haven't seen even one kiss. I like the story and the character development but I think romantic part of the game is very important as well. I've played Mikio's and Hayato's route but the romantic part and relationship development between them and MC were quite poor. I'm sorry but if I knew that all the routes were going to be like this, I wouldn't buy Spirit Parade. This is a game where there is a bit of romance but I wouldn't call it an otome.
It has been almost 3 months since the production diary has been updated, 5 months for the development log, and a month since a dev has responded to a comment. I have commented this before, in my review in for Hayato's route, but an 'official' monthly update would be nice, even if it is just "still continuing this project!" The long stretches of silence, dropping a new route, and then more silence after maybe a month or two of release is incredible unnerving. I understand delays and having to focus on work and such, but I don't understand leaving everyone in the dark about what is happening. I enjoy this game and hope to see it finished one day, but until then, I would like to know the status of the game's progress.
(I apologize if this is a bit demanding or brash, but leaving fans in the dark about progress, paying fans at that, never seems to end well. I have waited almost three years for this game, and I'm willing to wait longer, but regular updates will make it more bearable for everyone.)
Thank you for your feedback. You're completely right of course, and we're sorry to have caused any worries or inconvenience. I'm usually the one who updates our social media and I've been stretched very thin recently due to a death in the family, among other things. I'll set a reminder for myself on my calendar and try my best to keep up monthly updates like before. I understand that it's important to keep everyone updated and I'll improve on that. Again, our apologies for not being more transparent.
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Still sad to see this game abandoned still 5 years later and losing $20 cause I wanted to support the creators while they were making this game.. seems they left the internet or something cause all I can find are abandoned accounts or blank sites :/
If you're wondering about how the two finished routes are, they're alright. Art is nice but its not as romance oriented as you'd expect for being called a otome and idk if its really worth the $10 for both
Yeah I came to check as well and am like, well dang. I was totally looking forward to the completed version. Yet here we are.
Yea it really fuckin sucks cause I came to support these guys cause I loved one of the devs other games called the Blind Griffin
Only two routes were completed, Mikio and Hayato's, without voice acting. They can be bought individually for USD$5 each, for a total of USD$10 -- half the price of this version, and with the exact same amount of content. I haven't played them, so I can't say if they're worth the price. I can say, however, DO NOT BUY THIS VERSION. It just doesn't make sense.
ATTENTION: This is the base game. You MUST buy the routes separately.
What a money grubbing thing to do for a VN that by all right should include all it's routes. Plus at this point the game is abandoned completely.
So do not pay for this. I'm sure someone has the files for free somewhere if you want to play it that badly.
You know what? I'm still salty that we didn't get to see Shuye's and Haiyue's routes - they were the ones I was the most interested in.
EDIT: It's been two years and I visit this page from time to time BECAUSE I'M STILL SALTY AS HELL.
I remember seeing this on Lemmasoft forums and some otome tumblr blogs back in high school and I was so excited and tempted to buy the $10 deal forever ago... This saddens me because I was so excited for this game! It had so much potential... but it’s dead 😞
⚠️for anyone new: this game is dead! ⚠️
unless you're interested in hayato and mikio's routes, please pass by this entirely. maybe even then, don't bother - i can't attest to their quality since they weren't the characters i wanted to romance.
the main writer, lore, has completely moved on from this game and no longer even puts it in her portfolio. currently she's writing and programming for other games. the main artist, rins, is the same. the bg artist, akane, has been inactive on twitter since mid 2019 - if they've changed their handle at this point, no one's sure what it is.
none of them have upheld their promise of updating everyone and i assume they just want to sweep this whole experience under the rug. multiple attempts to contact them have ended with no response. i know some people have gotten refunds. personally, i bought this too long ago to get one myself.
there are other great visual novels on that are based in mythology, it's just a matter of finding them. good luck!
Any idea how to get a refund?
I wish I'd seen your post beforehand, but unfortunately I didn't and shelled out the $20 for an incomplete dead game -.-'
if you email itch about it they can look into it and get you a refund! i know several people have been able to do this. i tried but i no longer have the card i used 5 years ago for it so i can't but i know other people have had no problem.
I asked for a refund but unfortunately I am unable to since i bought this way too long for me to get one. Not sure If i can even dispute it. And Even if I do, I also have the same issue of not having the same card I used to but the game...
Thanks for letting us know, I'm so peeved that they had the gall to take our money and leave us hanging with no update. Learned my lesson to never support indie games until the actually release the game.
This happened to me on Purrfectly Ever After too. They were taking too long to develop the game (but luckily didn't abandon the project and are still updating) and I didn't want to support them anymore. But they won't refund me.
I got this too long ago to get a refund too - I contacted about this and they told me it's impossible.
BUT! I'd say the two routes that are out are worth the individual price for each. These were the routes I wanted to play, so while I paid too much, I'm still perfectly satisfied with what I got, if that helps some people.
Thank you for the update. I remember seeing this game years ago and I was so excited for it. It's a shame that after so long the game never got finished :(
I just tweeted Lore to have some sort of info on the game.I will update if I receive an answer. At this point all I want is some clarity of whether this game will ever be finished or not. Almost 2 years of no one reaching out to us, and I'm tired of hoping for anything.
As much as I love this project, I am extremely sad to see it's current state. Especially when the group used to be active and informative. I've been following this project for five years, and I no longer see the finish line. The overflowing excitement that used to burn brightly within me for this VN has smothered out.
Please.... Even if you have to say this project is no longer active, that the group had a fall out, that progress has been slow... give us answers. Every one of us that was excited to see this become a source of joy deserve it.
I think it's safe to say, this is a dead project. I'll give them the benfit of the doubt that they aren't being wholly manlicious. They were gonna finish this game wholeheartedly but real life stuff happened and then it went all to shit. And instead of explaining anything they think they can just wash their hands and move on ignoring the people that paid for this... Which is BS but hey?
I used to be optimistic but...2 years of nothing? I think this game is a dead game.
Well, I surely want my money back now... I purchased the game 2 years ago when it came out thinking they will continue the last few routes but now I strongly doubt. We can't even contact them because their website is not working anymore.
It's totally a scam. But hey, at least it was only $20.
They're still sketchy though. I do think that the artists for the game are still active on deviantart however, so maybe someone could ask them?
Ahaha, here we are two years after I discovered this game... And what do we have to show for all that waiting? Jack Squat.
If there was some reason, ANY reason given to why they completed two routes and then gave up, It'd be fine, but it honestly just looks like they took the money, sent out a sympathy gift, and ran off. Jeezus.
Damn, that's sketchy as hell. I'm glad I read the comment section before wasting my money on a game that's basically been abandoned by its developers. The fact that they didn't feel the need to give any sort of response as to why they haven't finished or responded to questions about updates for the game, is reason enough not to give them anymore money.
looks to me like the team fell apart and it was messy so no one wants to give any answers
It's messier than my hair on Monday morning.
Well this is a blast from the past. I remember thinking that I would buy this game when I got a job. Well, I'm out of school, have a job, and I have my own place.... But, the game hasn't changed.
Don't pay 20$ for a game that isn't even finished. I'm glad I didn't get it yet.
Hey guys, I think they have completely stopped this project. About 3 years ago (2017) I asked for a refund before the routes were released (lack of activity from what I saw) and one of them told me they were considering releasing on a route to route basis for people who already paid.
They did follow through with that, but like everyone else I haven't had an update since 2 of the routes were released. I only paid $10 at the time (I think it was a preorder or a special?) and consider it fulfilled due to the 2 route releases and that they did correspond with me when I contacted them at the time.
For prospective buyers, I wouldn't recommend dropping money on this if you're expecting a full game since it's been 2 years (Feb 2018) since the second route was released. It's not really worth the $20 as currently advertised.
Lol it's been 4 yrs and it's time to say the game has been abandoned. GL to everyone who asked for refunds. I'm surprised the page is still up for sales...
Dont recommend purchasing this game. It looks nice enough but the devs probably bit off more than they could chew since they haven't updated or been responding to messages in over a year. The last game update was over a year and a half ago. I purchased this three years ago and am still waiting. They've abandoned it and took everyone's money too :(
You can ask for a refund. They approved mine.
I paid for this game ages ago and they stopped updating completely, seemingly abandoning the project 1 year ago. I don't mind pre-ordering games as it's a way to help out indie game devs, but I've never been cheated like this. Isn't this basically stealing?
You can ask for a refund. They approved mine.
I really liked the demo, and I was really excited for Shuye's route, but apparently the creators went MIA... So I won't be purchasing this game any time in the near future.
So I'm sort of confused; Is this game finished yet? Like, this part of the game. Because I would play the game as long as this part was finished, seeing as I already know I want to do Hayato's route. So, if I bought this and played it would I get the full story and then go onto Hayato's route?
the game is not finished. i'm not sure exactly what you mean by "this part" but you can purchase the whole game for $20 which gives you two routes as the devs are MIA and refusing to explain what the situation is in regards to where the rest of the routes are OR you can individually purchase the two routes that are released (hayato and mikio) for $5 a pop.
so no, if you purchase this game you will not get the full story. we have not received an update about the game in well over a year so its up to you if you'd like to spend the money but its looking like this game is abandoned and all we're getting are the two routes.
Alright, thank you. I didn't want to waste my money on a game that isn't finished.
i purchased this game four years ago.
the fact that it is still incomplete and the developers have seemingly abandoned ship is incredibly disappointing. if they are no longer working on this game, they should at least do the right thing and let us know.
i deeply regret supporting these devs since it seems they cannot even be bothered to communicate with us about potential delays or other issues that come up and impact the release of the rest of the routes.
under no circumstances do i recommend you purchase this game as is. it is likely not going to be finished any time soon (if at all) and your money is better spent elsewhere supporting other indie devs who actually take the time to interact with and keep their supporters/customers updated.
You can ask for a refund. They approved mine.
Just messaged Lore on twitter to see if we can possibly get any answers. I tweeted her 84 days ago as of today. No response. Will update if anything happens but I doubt anything will.
UPDATE (3-24-19): Lore has since closed her DM's (or at least to me) after I messaged her. Contact Itchio to get your money back. The devs aren't professional, don't answer questions, and haven't updated in more than a year. This game will probably never be finished.
Knew this game was sketchy the moment it became clear they had barely had made any progress on any routes during the long span of time people have been waiting. Do not get this game until all routes are released! It's just too fishy to buy otherwise.
Just came back here to see if we had some news, and sadly nothing - I guess I'll keep waiting, I don't actually have issues with that nor will I be asking for a refund since I adored the two routes we got.
But that leads me to my second point. I'm so surprised by the comments. Honestly, I didn't expect people to complain about the "lack of romance". I definitely don't agree with that. But the romance here is more subtle than in some other games, and leaves lots to the players' imagination - and I like that. Now, I totally understand some people may play otome games only for kisses and steamy scenes, but I'm not necessarily in for that. After playing litteraly dozens of otome and BL games, I know for sure a good romance game doesn't need to have any explicit kissing or sexual scenes to be perfectly fine and great.
So yeah, it may not be your jam if you NEED kissing, but I think it's a very nice, sweet and touching game if you're fine without it.
What it definitely IS, it's an otome game. It's just not your standard otome, that's it. After playing as many games as I did, you just start to see more and more atypical games that break the codes, and you also start to think of it as refreshing.
If you want great but more conventional indie otome games, I suggest Nusantara: The Legend of the Winged Ones and Cinderella Phenomenon (both are free and a new Nusantara game is in the making too).
Developers, at least give some tiny sign that you are well and alive.
All three devs can be found on Twitter, and as of January 2019 they're all alive (no info about the artists' health given). Just skimming through their accounts I can't see any of the three mentioning Spirite Parade anywhere except in their bios.
Akane (@akanekari) has been the least active, but her last activity was on January 21st where she replied to Rins.
Rins (@lettucetown) has been more active than Akane on Twitter, but even then there was a gap between June 2018 and December 2018. Her last Twitter activity was on January 16th 2019.
Lore (@yandere) has been most active on Twitter. A quick scrolling through her timeline shows that she's been frequently tweeting and retweeting about all kind of stuff, ranging from other people's projects to real life stuff.
I can understand that real life can take someone's attention away from the internet and social media, but seeing how the writer has not only been online but also has the time to promote other projects and whatnot, I find it very disappointing and upsetting that she apparently can't be bothered to update people here who have spent real money on their game. They promised monthly updates, but even that promise only lasted three months aka three meager posts before they disappeared again.
Thank you for your response. Huh.
Okay It been 3 whole years since I pre-ordered and the full game still isn't released?? This was my first time ever paying for a game and I thought the point of paying for a game was to support the development move a bit faster and smoother? At this point I just want a refund does anyone know who do I contact?
send an email to, they can process refunds too
I read they can only do a refund if its been less then a year. But I'll try it anyway.
I don't mind the slow update, as I have a life. The 'lack of romance' as some people point out, I don't see an issue. There is romance in certain area's, there are many different endings and outcomes which I appreciate. Also people having an issue with the character... Well I find it refreshing. I may not like the MC but it doesn't make it a bad story. It is a story. I will say to others, just because it doesn't have a kiss scene doesn't mean it is NOT an otome. There are plenty of relations where people will prefer emotional affection over physical. Just because it may not be something you favor does not mean it is abnormal.
The slow update I may 'not' mind, I still don't like. I luckily pre-ordered it early so I only paid $10. But If I have to wait another year for it all I may have to ask for a refund. I understand things can come up in life, but the developers should be transparent, try to inform their fans/followers about what is happening and why things may be slow or even on hiatus. I will say it is not a great game, but it is not terrible either. If they do finish this and create another game perhaps they can take the criticism, and create a better game next.
I asked for a refund from (I got no answer by emailing the devs). They gave it to me without any problem, so if anyone is looking into getting a refund try them
Ah sweet! Just sent them an email. Thank you for letting us know!
Any news?
So far, no. I just tweeted one of the developers. Let's hope I get an answer.
Edit: I did not get an answer. Probably safe to say it's dead.
Thanks for the info, at least.
So nothing, no update on itch or their blog since September. Either call it quits or let us know if you're still working on it. This is ridiculous.
I'm looking forward to all the routes~
Hello, to any who feel jipped, mislead, or lied to...
This game does have romance elements. Otome is a girlxboy game, and not all otomes have kissing scenes. Now they did originally plan for a full game to be otome based, however, if you aren't careful you won't find yourself on any of their routes. Seriously, you have several endings per each character and you can easily miss the romance for these characters.
There's a big difference between real otome and "game which does have romance elements".
Many people wouldn't buy this game if the developers were honest from the beginning.
It is a real otome, there is no real difference other then the fact others only want the kisses and good times, instead of wanting the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Then I guess, you never played a real and good otome :)
I've played plenty of otomes to know, that you can have romance, and have romance that doesn't end in a kiss.
"Romance that doesn't end in a kiss"
In all the routes and in all the endings?
Well, I personally wouldn't call it otome.
Otome game without even one kiss in all the routes is equivalent to a relationship where partners never kiss and never touch each other. Maybe this kind of relationship exist but it's abnormal.
I think the description of the game should be corrected. Judging from the comments, it's not an otome game. Lettuce Walts shouldn't mislead people.
I also would like a refund. I preordered this game 2 or 3 years ago and regret doing so. This game is advertised as an otome game and it's just not. There is a romance element but it's not about romance (which is what I bought it for). I really wanted this game to be great and support the developers but I feel cheated. Please give us those who preordered the option for a refund.
My thoughts exactly! I'm not asking for a refund but I feel somehow cheated because it's not an otome game as was promised...
Hi! ( ^ w ^ )
This game has had a particularly rough day, so I wanted to throw some positivity at it. I understand the desire for more frequent updates, but I don't mind the super slow-burn romance. I think it's sweet, and I find our cranky MC adorable.
I like this game. The art is beautiful, the story is compelling, the characters grow and change, and they end up as better, more fulfilled people. I can't speak for the entirety of the game, seeing as it's not finished yet, but it looks to be on track to be well worth the price to me.
Keep it up! Patience is a virtue, but perseverance is an art!
I completly agree, I really like this game too and I really don't regret the wait at all. I love the MC and I really loved the relationship developpement between her and Hayato. :) I don't think it's an obligation to have kiss scenes in an otome as long as the story is good and cute, which I find this game just adorable. :D
Will happily wait for the rest!! ^_^
I bought this game two years ago and the development has been incredibly slow, I only bought this game for Shuye but later on I found out you could buy the parts separately -.- I have also read the comments and dislike the lack of romance, this is an otome game there needs to be romance and a kiss scene would be nice. I would like a refund as well. I might buy Shuye's route alone if I learn that Shuye has some actual romantic moments, but please give me a refund.
Hi how do I get a refund? This game is not what I payed for and I have a feeling that this game will not be finished. Also this story is not worth $20 with no romance at all. I get that character development is important but with no romance I do not get the point of this story. Plus the mc is so self centered not nice at all. I don't get why making a character so unlikable is good for development. Honestly this is not worth $20! I'm pissed that I payed that for a terrible story and a unlikable mc! She learns nothing but to be selfish. In Hayato's story the ending left much to be desired I mean not even a kiss! What the heck I don't get how this is a story without a proper ending? I mean he comes all the way to her world and she's just so ungrateful!
I'm sorry I tried to like this but I feel cheated! I get that their will be patches but for the $$ this is unacceptable! I feel that making a profit is important but 20$ for this I do not think is fair plus, I have no desire to read more. On top of that the only good character doesn't even has his route finished! Anyway I do not want to be mean. I'm just so disappointed in this because in the description it sounds like a really good story but not an Otome at all. Because their is no romance. So please refund me. I also think if I had known this game was like this I would not have purchased this either. It's seriously unfair. Thank you for listening to my opinion.
This game does have romance, but it's difficult to get on either of their paths if you do not do the correct choices and actions.
It's pretty easy to get on the romance path.
The main problem of the game is different.
If you mean by using a walkthrough then sure, It's pretty easy. I guess the difference between me and other otome players, is that I look for the story instead of the romance.
It's pretty easy without using the walkthrough.
I think the story is very important but if developers claim that it's an otome game then the romance is as important as the story. Unfortunately, it seems that developers didn't work enough on the romance in this game. That's why many people complain.
I never expected that this game would have many steamy scenes but some kissing scenes wouldn't hurt.
In the description it's written that Spirit Parade is an otome game. I personally think that an otome game without kissing scenes is weird. I don't mean that they should happen in all the routes but till now I haven't seen even one kiss. I like the story and the character development but I think romantic part of the game is very important as well. I've played Mikio's and Hayato's route but the romantic part and relationship development between them and MC were quite poor.
I'm sorry but if I knew that all the routes were going to be like this, I wouldn't buy Spirit Parade. This is a game where there is a bit of romance but I wouldn't call it an otome.
I've just played Mikio's route and there wasn't even one kiss :( Will all the routes be like this - without kissing scenes?
Largely, Spirit Parade is more about character development than explicit romance. There's not really going to be very steamy scenes in it.
It has been almost 3 months since the production diary has been updated, 5 months for the development log, and a month since a dev has responded to a comment. I have commented this before, in my review in for Hayato's route, but an 'official' monthly update would be nice, even if it is just "still continuing this project!" The long stretches of silence, dropping a new route, and then more silence after maybe a month or two of release is incredible unnerving. I understand delays and having to focus on work and such, but I don't understand leaving everyone in the dark about what is happening. I enjoy this game and hope to see it finished one day, but until then, I would like to know the status of the game's progress.
(I apologize if this is a bit demanding or brash, but leaving fans in the dark about progress, paying fans at that, never seems to end well. I have waited almost three years for this game, and I'm willing to wait longer, but regular updates will make it more bearable for everyone.)
Thank you for your feedback. You're completely right of course, and we're sorry to have caused any worries or inconvenience. I'm usually the one who updates our social media and I've been stretched very thin recently due to a death in the family, among other things. I'll set a reminder for myself on my calendar and try my best to keep up monthly updates like before. I understand that it's important to keep everyone updated and I'll improve on that. Again, our apologies for not being more transparent.